Tianjin Model United Nations

Head Chair

Tuneesha (head)

Tuneesha Roy


My name is Tuneesha Roy currently attending the International School of Qingdao as a junior. TIANMUN VII will mark my ninth conference and third as a chair. I stand humbled to be serving as the President of General Assembly II. GA II is a dynamic committee which deals with burning world problems by engaging in multilateral discussions.

If I were to give you any advice, it would be to enjoy the conference to its fullest and take every opportunity to represent your delegation without hesitation. After my first conference, one of my biggest regrets was that I didn’t speak enough. I hope this isn’t the case for you. I understand that public speaking is not everyone’s strength, but it is important to realize that MUN is a platform that allows you to experiment, groom, and evolve in your speaking techniques.

Unleash yourself in this meeting of minds!

Deputy Chair


David(WonHyuk) Lee

Hi! I am David (WooHyuk) Lee, a junior at Yantai Huasheng International School who will be gratefully serving the General Assembly 2 of TIANMUN VII as a deputy chair.

Indeed, Model United Nations is beneficial for all of those who are involved in it. It broadens your insight of varying cultures of the world, strengthens cogency and legitimacy of your speech, and creates new relationships.

TIANMUN VII is my third year of MUN career and I do understand how hard it is to stand in front of tens of delegates and represent a nation’s voice. However, it is true that only if you go through all the arduous process you will derive the benefits written above.

I hope all of the delegates to be bold and confident so that this conference will be an instructive experience for all of you. Good luck and see you all at TIANMUN VII!

Deputy Chair


SuHwan Lim

Hello Delegates!

I am SuHwan Lim, and it is my greatest pleasure and honor to serve as your deputy chair in GA2 for TIANMUN VII. I am currently a junior attending Tianjin International School, and I have been a part of conferences since 8th grade.

Delegates who are worried for their first MUN experience, be courageous since you have chosen to attend the conference. Do not forget that well begun is half done! Now, it is your time to take each step to successfully finish your first MUN experience. Be fully engaged and never fear to fail, it is a tough step that you will eventually have to take.

I look toward to see you all delegates and your growth in this experience!