Tianjin Model United Nations

Convergence of Calamities

With the successful conclusion of the 11th TIANMUN, the theme “Convergence of Calamities” announces a new chronicle marked by heightened awareness and preparedness in the face of global crises that threaten security. As the cessation of pandemics transitions to emerging international challenges, these challenges coalesce, demanding urgent attention. This theme underscores the fundamental goals of the United Nations and highlights the interconnection and mutual reinforcement of global crises, which amplify their collective impact. To tackle these shared challenges and accelerate global progress, outdated, compartmentalized approaches must be rejected in favor of novel perspectives that advocate for systematic change. By focusing on Sustainable Development Goals and leveraging collective capacities, a wide range of strategic issues can be addressed. TIANMUN XII emphasizes the imperative of acknowledging the compound nature of these crises and mobilizing action towards holistic solutions to build resilience and foster substantial progress.


General Assembly

The General Assembly is the main representative organ of the United Nations. It is the only universally representative body of the UN, which means that all member states are given equal representation for the debating process. All 193 members of the United Nations comprise the General Assembly, automatically making it the largest forum. According to the Charter of the United Nations, the UNGA is responsible to discuss, debate, and make recommendations on subjects pertaining to international peace and security. Most resolutions from this committee are not enforceable through legal means because the UNGA lacks these powers. However, the UNGA does have the authority to make decisions such as the organization’s budgets.

Students involved in the General Assembly committee will discuss and work to resolve various world topics. This committee will not consist of more than 50 students.

Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council (HRC) concerns itself with agendas related to social affairs, humanitarian affairs, and human rights issues. The UNHCR consists of 47 elected members who serve an approximated three-year term. This committee addresses the allegations of human rights, defined by the UN as “rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status.” This includes the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. These universal human rights apply to everyone without any kind of discrimination.

In this committee, students will be assigned topics that deal with contemporary human rights abuse cases from around the world. TIANMUN encourages all delegates from this committee to prepare in advance through the comprehension of human rights.

Economic and Social Council

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and is responsible to make or initiate studies and reports with respect to international economic and social issues. This forum also constructs policy recommendations for member states. The Economic and Social Council consists of 54 members of the United Nations, and the Council may also initiate studies and reports about international economic, social, cultural, educational, health matters. Nevertheless, the work of this Council is guided by an issue-based approach, initiating a focused discussion within the committee. ECOSOC is essential as it works as the central mechanism for all actions regarding the United Nations.

Currently, the three pillars of sustainable development—economic, social, and environment—are the key factors in which ECOSOC operates on. Students in this committee will be assigned topics along these sustainable goals.

Disarmament Commission

Devoted to uphold the notion of “inclusion and equality,” the United Nations Disarmament Commission (DA) focuses on the topics of arms control, pacifistic conflict resolution, and global safety. The general principles of this commission are to maintain international peace and security and create rules of cooperation and regulation.

As a General Assembly (GA) Mains Committee, the Disarmament Commission is inclusive of all UN Member States, serving as a large forum for discussion on all topics regarding international security. This committee will run very similar to the General Assembly.

Environment Commission

The Environment Commission concerns itself with issues related to the environment. This committee regards topic across a broad spectrum that includes the atmosphere, both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and green economic development. The committee also works to raise awareness and to recommend member states in ways to help restore the environment.

With only 8 years left of reaching the United Nations 2030 goals, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the Environment Commission will focus highly on reaching sustainability.

World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly is a committee of the Model United Nations that acts like the World Health Organization (WHO) in real life. The goal of the committee is to bring together health professionals, policymakers, and international representatives to work on important global health issues. This committee gives students a chance to act like world leaders and improve their skills in diplomacy, public speaking, negotiating, and finding solutions to problems. During the conference, delegates will talk about important issues, work on creating real solutions, and focus on the best ways to deal with the health problems our world is facing right now. Joining a committee of the World Health Assembly can be a great way to learn about the complexities of public health and help find creative and sustainable solutions to global health problems.

Security Council

The Security Council (SC) is the main organ responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It consists of 15 delegations with 5 permanent members and 10 non-permanent members. The P5 (5 permanent members) consists of USA, UK, Russia, China, and France which all have the power veto a clause or a resolution. A P5 caucus is necessary when a veto is raised.

Students involved in the Security Council will debate and speak more than any other committee. They should be fairly well versed in world issues and feel more comfortable speaking on a one-to-one basis. Students will also be required to think quickly as “unforeseen crisis” do occur during the Security Council. On Saturday, the Security Council will meet with the Advisory Panel to review the Panel’s resolutions during the joint session. The Advisory Panel’s resolution will be debated together and voted on by the members of the Security Council.

Advisory Panel

The Advisory Panel focuses on one theme topic over the entire length of the conference. At the end of the conference, the Advisory Panel presents their resolution to the Security Council, which will then be debated, and then voted on by members of the Security Council only.

The Advisory Panel consists of a panel of delegates representing both countries and organizations, relevant to the topic. As the Advisory Panel functions like the Security Council, their debate functions from the start of the conference and they do not lobby resolutions, but rather create a resolution together, debating clause by clause. No delegations can veto clauses in the Advisory Panel, which therefore results in continuous amendments1 to the clauses/resolution. The Advisory Panel consists of less than 30 students and will require more individual activity and involvement.

Commission on Science and Technology for Development 

The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development is a is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). UNCSTD is the United Nations’ home for discussions on science and technology – what is new, what matters, what is changing, what the impact is – and how this affects development and a sustainable future for all. The official website for CSTD is here

UNCSTD provides a forum where countries can raise critical challenges and explore opportunities presented by rapid technological development – to ensure developing countries and people do not get left behind.



When researching about your country, the main thing to look for is your country’s stance and position on the issues being debated in your forums. You should also know basic information about your country, such as geographical location, main language, main religions, and main ethnic groups. A widely used source to look up information about countries is the CIA World Factbook.

The issues being debated in this conference could be found on the UN website and information on the issues is widely available on the internet. You can also search for your country’s Permanent Missions at the UN webpage. Below is a list of helpful websites to aid your research.



To learn how to write a resolution, download the files. Pre-ambulatory clauses (first half of the resolution) should refer to previous documents, treaties, or actions taken that are related to the issue; Operative clauses (second half of the resolution) should refer to actions or possible solutions to combat or solve the issue.


An opening speech is a 1 to 2 minutes long speech. Delegates are required to give an opening speech in their respective committees on the first day of the conference. The speech should consist an short introduction to the country and the delegation’s stance on the issues being debated in the committee. For speeches, it is recommended to begin with a greeting “Honorable chairs and esteemed delegates” and end with a flourish “Thank you chairs and delegates.”


Expect to wear professional business attire for the conference. Coat and Ties for men. Dress slacks or skirts for women.


Note: The rules of procedure for TIANMUN adheres to that of THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations). While we are not affiliated with THIMUN, we use their format to run the conference.

Please bring your prepared resolution on a laptop or USB stick. Wifi will be provided to all delegates.

1.Opening Ceremony

The TIANMUN conference will begin with an opening ceremony that will consist of a welcome and a few short speeches. You will also be given directions on where to go for your committees meetings.

2.Opening Speech

Delegates in every committee must deliver an opening speech in their committees. The length of the speech should be 1-2 minutes.

3.Lobbying and Merging

Usually on the first day of the conference, lobbying and merging is a period where delegates get together and merge clauses to form complete resolutions. The main submitter of the resolution should compile the resolution, give it to the chair for proof reading, and go to the approval panel for final proof reading and approval.


After the lobbying and merging, finalized resolutions are able to be debated. The chair would call up the main submitter and ask he or she to read out the operative clause. Then, the floor would be open to any Points of Information (POI). At this point, the chair would select a few delegates to ask the main submitter questions about the resolution. After that, the main submitter could choose to yield to floor to the chair or another delegate. If the floor is yielded to the chair, the chair would pick another delegate wishing to speak. Please keep in mind that while giving speeches or POIs, delegates should speak in third person. This means that “I” or “you” is not allowed.

The chair is in charge of conducting the debates and maintaining order.

Everyone except for the Chair in the committee.

This is the only point that can interrupt the speaker and refers to the comfort and well-being of the House. It is used to voice out personal needs or requests such as “audibility” if the delegate is having a hard time hearing.

A question directed at the Chair by a delegate about rules of procedure or order of debate.

A question directed at the delegate occupying the floor or the chair.

A motion to urge the House to move on to the next agenda.