
Tianjin Model United Nations


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Mr. Delzer

I am the new Tianjin International School Model UN Director starting this year and I’m excited to be a part of TIANMUN XI and the greater MUN program. I began working at TIS the summer of 2008, so I’ve gotten to see every year of the TIANMUN conference, albeit from a distance. For these years I’ve had the pleasure to watch our MUN students learn and grow in their global knowledge, problem solving skills, and cooperation. I expect this year to be another great year of student learning about our world and their place therein.


Mrs. Zhang

Welcome to TIANMUN XII!

Through the past three years as a director, I have happily witnessed all participants’ effort and growth. This is truly a great opportunity to prepare yourselves for the future. The idea of “Community with a shared Future for Mankind” have been extensively recognized and researched on since it was first proposed years ago. People all over the world are connected in different aspects and through various ways more than ever before. With so many global problems emerging every year, what shall we do to find the solutions? Which areas are your main concerns? What values do you believe in and advocate? I believe you all have your own opinions and answers, if not, let’s find out through this amazing experience!

Look forward to meeting you soon!

Mrs Zhang