Tianjin Model United Nations

1. Measures to Protect Children from Abuse in West Africa
2. Measures to Establish Comprehensive Legal Frameworks in the Accountability of Artificial Intelligence
3. Measures to Address the Continued Decline of Fertility Rate in South Korea
4. Measures to Reduce the Rising Rates of Noncommunicable Diseases in Economically Developing Countries 


1. Measures to Strengthen the facilities of Developing Small Island States in Addressing their Health Challenges
2. Measures to Combat Illicit Opioid Trafficking in the Global Opioids Crisis
3. Measures to Implement Dynamic Plans for Building Clinical Care Capacity during Health Emergencies
4. Measures to Assess the Digital Divide and Access Disparities in Healthcare Infrastructures


1. Measures for Improving Working Conditions and Addressing Low Wages for Laborers in the Manufacturing of Global Brand Products
2. Measures for Addressing the Refugee Crisis Resulting from the Palestinian Conflict
3. Measures to Address Xenophobia and Promote Social Cohesion in South Africa
4. Measures for Enhancing Human Rights and Gender Equality in Yemen


1. Measures to Curtail Military Drone Proliferation and Ensuring Compliance with International Law
2. Developing Strategies to Effectively Regulate the Autonomous Weapons Systems
3. Measures to Mitigate the Threats Posed by Chemical and Biological Weapons
4. Measures to Combat the Proliferation of Hypersonic Weapons


1. Measures to Avoid Global Default and Decrease External Debt in the Time of Financial Crises
2. Measures to Enhance Supply Chain Resilience to Stabilize Global Markets
3. Measures to Minimize the rising economic inequality in Asian Countries Caused by Market-Oriented Reform
4. Measures to Assure the Protection of Life, Property and the Environment through Secured Transport of Dangerous Goods


1. Measures for High-Level Radioactive Waste Management after Nuclear Power Generation
2. Measures to Address the Impacts of Severe Climate Change
3. Measures for Addressing Improper Disposal of Industrial Waste in Developed and Developing Countries
4. Measures for Mitigating Environmental Destruction Caused by Nickel Mining on New Caledonia Island


1. Measures to Effectively Leverage AI and Machine Learning for Sustainable Development and Economic Growth
2. Measures to Robust Data Privacy and Protect Cybersecurity in the Digital Age
3. Promoting Safe and Sustainable Nuclear Technology for Energy and Medical Applications in Developing Countries
4. Measures to Advance Innovations in Renewable Energy to Foster Sustainable Development


1. Measures to Promote Economic Recovery and Sustainable Development in Sudan
2. Measures to Enhance Peacebuilding and Resolve Ongoing Conflicts in Sudan
3. Measures to Combat Food Insecurity and Improve Agricultural Stability in Sudan
4. Measures to Create a Viable Solution for Sudan’s Enduring Internally Displaced Persons Crisis


1. Situation in Libya
2. Situation in Iraq
3. Situation in Ukraine
4. Situation in Sudan