General Assembly 2 (Deputy Chair) – James Kim

Tianjin Model United Nations

General Assembly 2 (Deputy Chair) – James Kim

September 19, 2016 StudentOfficer 0

Fellow delegates! I am deputy chair in GA2

My name is James Kim in Qingdao Daewon School! I am senior in the school.


When you think about MUN what ideas come to your mind? May be wearing a cool suit and debating whole day? But becoming a MUNer is not just wearing a cool suit and debating whole day! I know for some delegates this sounds boring, but I definitely can say that participating in the conference will give you something. Something that will help you in long-term.


I started MUN as beginner who couldn’t say any single word in front of people. My public speaking was bad, I was nervous, I was afraid to talk to someone new. But conference by conference I gained more self-confident and my public speaking skill improved. So What I wat to say is that don’t worry too much about conference, just have fun, make new friends at conference!


I agree that MUN is a challenging event, but take TIANMUN V as an opportunity to improve yourself! I can’t wait to see you delegates!