Security Council (Deputy Chair) – Jonah Underwood

Tianjin Model United Nations

Security Council (Deputy Chair) – Jonah Underwood

September 19, 2016 StudentOfficer 0

My Name is Jonah Underwood and I am currently a Senior at Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province (QISS), and I feel very privileged to be serving as Deputy Chair in the Security Council at TIANMUN V. I am an American originally from Houston, Texas and have lived in Istanbul, Turkey and now Qingdao, China. TIANMUN IV was actually my first conference, and I would like to give the same warm welcome that I received when I stepped through the doors of TIS to all our incoming delegates for this year’s conference. I had an incredible experience as a first time delegate at TIANMUN last year, and am sure that a similarly inviting conference will be the product of our hard work and collaboration this time around. Although my journey in MUN began just over a year ago, I wholeheartedly engaged in debate and immersed myself in the experience of MUN from the start, participating as a Main Submitter and receiving awards at many conferences. Since then I have built my experience and knowledge of MUN to become a passionate “MUNer”, and will be serving as Deputy Secretary General at a local Qingdao MUN conference this March. I look forward to meeting all the participants this November and hope for a fruitful conference.